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Whether you want to schedule a demo or start using GrandSapiens, leave us your email and we'll be in touch.
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Pay a flat rate for every tranche of 1,000 active employees. The minimum monthly payment is $280.
Emoji cloud SVG Emoji sun SVG


$ /year


per 1,000 active employees per month
  • ✓
    All GrandSapiens features
  • ✓
    Unlimited content
  • ✓
    Unlimited admins on platform
  • ✓
    Installation support


For any other question, please get in touch!
  • How is an "active employee" defined?

    An active employee is one who has opened the Slack app (either to search something or to view something you broadcasted) within the last 45 days of a given billing date.
  • Can we pay via invoice?

    Yes, you can! When we deploy the web app for your company, we'll adapt it to your payment method, whether it's invoice-based or by credit card.
  • Is GrandSapiens secure?

    Absolutely! Head over to our Security page to learn more.
  • How does GrandSapiens integrate with my Slack workspace?

    You'll need to build a Slack app directly on your company's Slack workspace by following the simple instructions we supply on our platform. Once it's done, you simply enter your Slack app's OAuth token on the GrandSapiens platform and both are instantly connected.

    While building the Slack app only takes a few minutes, keep in mind you might need someone in your IT or tech department to do this for you, since admin permissions might be required.
  • How can my employees access the Slack app?

    They install it like any other Slack app (with the plus button in the "Apps" section of the left sidebar). We're currently working on a way to let L&D teams "force install" the app to all members of a Slack workspace. Let us know if this interests you.
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